Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I am turning 28.25 years old on Saturday. You deserve an update.

I set out to do 29 things before I turned 29. Here is an update and a key:


Write more, specifically in this blog
  • I was doing great and then I got in my head. I've written a bunch of unpublished entries. Putting your feelings on the page is a bitch because then they stare back at you. I mean even writing this post is coming forcing me to come to terms with the fact that I haven't posted in 6 weeks. THE SHAME! Did you know that I went on a vacation to Florida or that I had a bit of the post vacation blues? Nope because I didn't post about it. Accept it and move on. So loyal followers, I am writing down it down and starring it in the face. My goal in this goal (Inception!) is to publish something every week no matter how big or small. Just get something posted. Also, this is my favorite picture from my trip to Florida. I wore a lot of tank tops while I was there.

Sell one thing on Etsy
  • I have no idea how I am going to do this. I feel like a realistic idea is to find someone who sells things on Etsy and help them with a project. I need help on this one.
Save $300 in a Christmas fund
  • I had a plan on this one and I haven't followed through. I need to go downstairs to the credit union under my work and open a savings account to have my State tax return deposited into which is slightly more than $300. So easy to do!
Get another tattoo
  • I know what I want and my friend Sam and I have jokingly talked about getting tattoos when we meet up in Vegas this Summer. I need cash though to make this happen.
Go surfing
  • It is cold and the last thing I want to think about is getting in the ocean.
One month no spending
  • Done and you can read about it by clicking the link above.
Hit my goal weight
  • I'm using my Up and Myfitnesspal. I'm doing 5 Jazzercise classes a week and three supplemental strength workouts a week. I also set a realistic goal weight versus what I was originally thinking.
Knit something other than a neck warmer
  • I'm knitting a pillow and it is about 25% complete and I haven't worked on it since before Florida.
Complete 200 Jazzercise classes (45/200)
  • I'm attending 5 classes a week and I have a really good network of workout partners which is making this fun. I also recently visited an LA Fitness which made me appreciate my workout community so much more.
Learn to make sausage w/ casing
  • My friend Brad wants to do this with me and he seems to have an idea where we can get the supplies. That is about all I know.
Teach Girlfriend 3 new tricks
  • I taught Girlfriend to "go night-night" which means go to her kennel and lay down. Jake taught her to "shake" and then we kind of just stopped. We want to work on "lay down" and "play dead". 
Read 12 books
  • I read one book so far. Every time I go to read I fall asleep. I am not good at this.
Go to the opera/ballet/symphony
  • There was fervor and vigor surrounding this when I made this list and then it stopped. I need to talk to work Amanda and we need to make this happen.
Eat rabbit
  • I keep saying I am just going to do this and then I don't. I can literally cross this list off any day it just takes preparation and hard work in the kitchen to make sure it tastes good. 
Camp with Jake more
  • It is cold and this won't be addressed for at least two months.
Watch all Disney animated movies (There are 53 counting Frozen.) (22/53)
  • I was knocking this one out of the park for awhile and I have pumped the brakes a bit because I don't want to plow through them and not enjoy them. I have outstanding posts about Saludos Amigos, The Three Caballeros, Tarzan, Fantasia 2000, and Tangled.
Run a race
  • They just announced the Portland $5 5K runs for the Summer and I just need to find some friends and sign up. This is an east one.
Put money in a savings account aside from my Christmas fund, possibly using the week in the year method
  • These goals all take money. It is hard to find the money to stash at this point. I need to work on this.
Do ten diamond push-ups successfully with perfect posture
  • I have a monthly push up spreadsheet and am actively working on being able to do 100 push-ups in a workout before really tackling diamond push-ups.
Learn the foxtrot with my friend Kate
  • I had the studio picked out and everything and then they closed and now I am at square one. Kate is still awesome.
Make some sort of fermented beverage
  • Hey, I did this and I owe you a post.
Email my grandma 4 times
  • I added this into my Outlook at work and take a lunch every few weeks to send my Grandma a quick email. 
Mail cards to my mom, dad, brother, grandma and grandpa for their birthdays and Mother's/Father's day
  • I had a plan to go get these cards from the dollar store with a gift card I will never use so that I can just have them and be ready. I haven't followed through. I did find a vintage Mother's day card so look out Mom.
Get my oil changed 4 times
  • I did it once in February and I hated it. I just need to stick to the schedule. The dudes at Jiffy Lube are just so sleazy.
Get a passport
  • Photos were taken and it has been ordered. We are just waiting for it arrive in the mail in 3-5 weeks.
Use my passport to leave the country
  • I am actively planning a trip to Canada with my mom and dad for late May. 
Write a children's story
  • I have a vague idea of what I want to write about and how I want to do this. I just need to create a plan for making it happen.
Play in a soccer game
  • I've got nothing so far.
Hike in the desert
  • I will in the desert both in San Diego and in Las Vegas in September and will hopefully make this happen.