Saturday, October 4, 2014

Disney Movie Reflection: Meet the Robinsons

Full disclosure: I watched this movie over a month ago and haven't written about it because I didn't know what to say. Even further disclosure, I checked this movie out from the library 3 times before finally watching it.

I don't like the bubbly "Shrek" style of computer animation that this movie and a few others tried. It looks cheap and not very sophisticated. I liked the story and I liked the characters but it felt very similar to "The Incredibles" and the animation was no where near as good. In fact, the whole time I watched I couldn't escape thinking that I wish Pixar had got their hands on this script first.

There are also some issues with the humor. Disney's modern films have a learned a lot from Pixar in that their humor is tongue and cheek not over the top like Dreamworks (again looking at Shrek). "Meet the Robinsons" starts to veer into the more overt fart jokes versus hinting at something a little more adult being behind the joke and that is what makes watching "Tangled" or "Frozen" funny. If I want gross out humor, I am not going to watch a Disney movie. I will watch "We Are the Millers" or "Horrible Bosses".

"Meet the Robinsons" is a cute movie and I spent minimal time on my phone while watching it but I left feeling how I usually feel after watching a Dreamworks movie. It was good but not great. It couldn't sustain parade at Disney let alone a ride and no one would ever line up for a meet and greet with the characters from the movie.

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