Sunday, November 16, 2014

Disney Movie Reflection: Alice in Wonderland

Over the Summer, I had a really bad week where I didn't get a promotion that I thought I would get. It was disappointing beyond belief. I decided to take an impromptu three day weekend because I needed some time away from work. I planned it perfectly to include a Disney movie in the morning, beach in the early afternoon and U-pick in the late afternoon. I decide on Alice in Wonderland as the movie to watch because I was prepping to go to Disneyland which has two rides devoted to the movie. 

Unfortunately, it was hot and I wanted to leave so I barely paid attention to the movie which I loved as a kid. I felt bad because I've seen so many movies this year that this one couldn't just slip through my fingers. I decided it would get rewatched at a later time just to make sure I gave it it's fair chance.

I rewatched it once Saturday afternoon while Jake was out playing and I needed to get caught up on knitting this stupid pillow cover that I have been working on for a year. The movie always reminds me of my brother and my dad. I am pretty sure it is because we three always rode the Tea Cups together even as full grown men. My brother also liked to watch the movie as a kid and I remember my dad taking me to check out the book from the library. 

Everyone has seen this movie a hundred times so I won't bore you with talking about the whole thing but I do want to focus in on my favorite part as an adult: The Walrus and The Carpenter. Part of me wishes that the Walrus and the Carpenter could have it's own movie entirely as they are the most outlandish and strange characters in the entire Disney cannon. They are a story within a story and I would wait in line for hours for a meet and greet. The story is dark and has a lot of adult nuance such as how the mother knows she must be cautious about her seafood babies because the month contains an R. The animation has a completely different color palette than the rest of the movie relying on blues and oranges while the rest of the movie is primarily greens and reds. I love this part because it is a difficult feet to interject a story in a story that is made up of a bunch of mini stories but done so well.

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